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How To Maintain Your Home’s Exterior Paint For Longer

Well-maintained exterior paint is not just aesthetically pleasing, but it can also serve as a layer of protection to minimize any damage to your walls from the elements. Regularly repainting your outside walls can put a dent in your wallet, which is why it is essential to follow these tips to extend the shelf life of your home’s exterior paint:

Add More Greenery to Your Outdoor Spaces

Greenery like bushes, trees, and vines provide an array of benefits to your property. When placed in the right spots, they have the potential to soften the look of your home and increase its curb appeal while protecting your walls from direct rain, sunlight, or hail. The only drawback is that overgrown branches and vines can cause damage to your property’s structure. An excellent way to ensure this doesn’t happen is to trim and maintain all the greenery around your home.

Keep Your Roof and Gutters Clean

Dirt and debris accumulating in your gutters and roof will eventually slope off in case of heavy rain or winds. Some of them can scratch and cause damage to your exterior walls from the sheer force of nature. An easy way to prevent this from happening is to clean and maintain your roof and gutters regularly so that any dirt and debris can be removed without damaging the paint.

Remove Any Visible Grime and Mold

No matter how you slice it, your exterior walls are exposed to the elements. This creates the opportunity for grime and mold to grow in specific areas. If this is allowed to sit on your walls unchecked, it will start to expand and cause damage to your paint and, ultimately, the building’s structural integrity. Employ professional pressure washing services to keep them looking good as new. Reputable experts will avoid using harmful chemicals that could cause your paint to fade.

Time to Call in the Professionals

Properly caring for your exterior walls will protect them for years to come, as long as you’ve used good quality paint. Exterior painting and maintenance may require special tools, equipment, and expertise, which is why it is best to work with experienced professionals to give your home a quality upgrade. For more information about our residential painting services, contact us today!